Thursday, April 13, 2017

OSGi Framework

OSGi Architecture
The OSGi technology is a set of specifications that define a dynamic component system for Java. These specifications enable a development model where an application is composed of several components which are packaged in bundles. Components are communicating through nano-services.
Components are the reusable building blocks, provide the implementation code, should be reusable.
The OSGi specifications enable components to hide their implementations from other components while communicating through nano-services, which are objects that are explicitly shared between components
The OSGi specifications enable components to hide their implementations from other components while communicating through nano-services, which are objects that are explicitly shared between components
In a well designed OSGi system, all links between components go through a nano-service. Nano services have an API that is defined in a Java package. The API consists of a classes and/or interfaces that are needed for the collaboration between the provider of the service and the consumer of the service
A Bundle is the OSGi name for a module.A Bundle will express what Java packages it needs in what version

Component Systems

We wanted an application to emerge from putting together different reusable components that had no a-priori knowledge of each other. Even harder, we wanted that application to emerge from dynamically assembling a set of components
For example, you have a home server that is capable of managing your lights and appliances. A component could allow you to turn on and off the light over a web page. Another component could allow you to control the appliances via a mobile text message. The goal was to allow these other functions to be added without requiring that the developers had intricate knowledge of each other and let these components be added independently.

OSGi Layering

The OSGi has a layered model that is depicted in the following figure.

The following list contains a short definition of the terms:
  • Bundles – Bundles are the OSGi components made by the developers.
  • Services – The services layer connects bundles in a dynamic way by offering a publish-find-bind model for plain old Java objects.
  • Life-Cycle – The API to install, start, stop, update, and uninstall bundles.
  • Modules – The layer that defines how a bundle can import and export code.
  • Security – The layer that handles the security aspects.
  • Execution Environment – Defines what methods and classes are available in a specific platform.
These concepts are more extensively explained in the following sections.
 In Java terms, a bundle is a plain old JAR file. However, where in standard Java everything in a JAR is completely visible to all other JARs, OSGi hides everything in that JAR unless explicitly exported. A bundle that wants to use another JAR must explicitly import the parts it needs. By default, there is no sharing.
Though the code hiding and explicit sharing provides many benefits (for example, allowing multiple versions of the same library being used in a single VM), the code sharing was only there to support OSGi services model


A bundle can create an object and register it with the OSGi service registry under one or more interfaces. Other bundles can go to the registry and list all objects that are registered under a specific interfaces or class. For example, a bundle provides an implementation of the DocumentBuilder. When it gets started, it creates an instance of its DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl class and registers it with the registry under the DocumentBuilderFactory class. A bundle that needs a DocumentBuilderFactory can go to the registry and ask for all available services with the DocumentBuilderFactory class. Even better, a bundle can wait for a specific service to appear and then get a call back.
A bundle can therefore register a service, it can get a service, and it can listen for a service to appear or disappear. Any number of bundles can register the same service type, and any number of bundles can get the same service. This is depicted in the following figure.

This in general called a broker pattern.

What happens when multiple bundles register objects under the same interface or class? How can these be distinguished? First, in many cases it is not important to distinguish between individuals. Otherwise, the answer is properties. Each service registration has a set of standard and custom properties. A expressive filter language is available to select only the services in which you are interested. Properties can be used to find the proper service or can play other roles at the application level.
Services are dynamic. This means that a bundle can decide to withdraw its service from the registry while other bundles are still using this service. Bundles using such a service must then ensure that they no longer use the service object and drop any references. We know, this sounds like a significant complexity but it turns out that helper classes like the Service Tracker and frameworks like Declarative Services can remove the pain while the advantages are quite large. The service dynamics were added so we could install and uninstall bundles on the fly while the other bundles could adapt. That is, a bundle could still provide functionality even if the Http Service went away.

Standard Services

Though the service registry accepts any object as a service, the best way to achieve reuse is to register these objects under (standard) interfaces to decouple the implementer from the client code. This is the reason the OSGi Alliance publishes the Compendium specifications. These specification define a large number of standard services, from a Log Service to a Measurement and State specification. All these standardized services are described in great detail.

Declarative Services & Configuration

Two of those standardized services in the OSGi are the Configuration Admin service and the Declarative Services. Though these service are just a few of the many compendium services they have a special role. These services provide functionality that is very hard to evaluate from the outside because they have no counterpart in in other systems. (A case could be made that they should probably have been part of the framework.)
Declarative Services makes writing a service implementation as simple as writing a POJO with a few annotations. Though there are other systems that do similar injections as Declarative Services, these other systems ignore time and dependencies. By handling time and (dynamic) dependencies without any code overhead OSGi provides a toolbox that is as innovative as objects were in the nineties.


Bundles are deployed on an OSGi framework, the bundle runtime environment. This is not a container like Java Application Servers. It is a collaborative environment. Bundles run in the same VM and can actually share code. The framework uses the explicit imports and exports to wire up the bundles so they do not have to concern themselves with class loading. Another contrast with the application servers is that the management of the framework is standardized. A simple API allows bundles to install, start, stop, and update other bundles, as well as enumerating the bundles and their service usage.


The OSGi specification process requires a reference implementation for each specification. However, since the first specifications there have always been commercial companies that have implemented the specifications as well as open source implementations. Currently, there are 4 open source implementations of the framework and too many to count implementations of the OSGi services. The open software industry has discovered OSGi technology and more and more projects deliver their artifacts as bundles

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